I have to confess I had a slight ulterior motive in playing the Chicago Open: it put us in the right country to have a bit of holiday time at our condo in the Florida Keys afterwards! We really like the relaxed ‘island vibe’ of the area. it is a wonderful place to chill out, eating great seafood and doing the odd bit of snorkeling or fishing (although on our most recent fishing trip, between us we caught a grand total of zero fish! – well technically I caught a scorpion fish – which is not really what you’re looking for, (although it is better to encounter one when fishing than when swimming!) and Tara caught a fish so small it had to be returned from whence it came).

We are always a bit sad on our last night in the Keys, so it’s best to go and watch the sunset with cocktails.
When I am sadly occupied with pesky chess games, we rent the condo out and if anyone is interested the website is www.condofloridakeys.com. Mention this website and we will make sure you get a good deal 😉
quite a surprise to know one of the worlds finest is visiting us here in sunny florida 🙂
a pleasure being acquainted with your site, looking forward to more posts.